22nd Annual Minsky Conference: Building a Financial Structure for a More Stable and Equitable Economy
byA conference organized by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College with support from the Ford Foundation.
April 17–19, 2013
Ford Foundation
320 East 43 Street, New York City
In 2008–09, the world experienced its worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression. Global employment and output collapsed, and an estimated 84 million people fell into extreme poverty. Given the fragility and uneven progress of the economic recovery, social conditions are expected to improve only slowly. Meanwhile, austerity measures in response to high government debt in some of the advanced economies are making the recovery even more uncertain.
It’s time to put global finance back in its proper place as a tool to achieving sustainable development. This means substantial downsizing, careful reregulation, universal social protections, and an active, permanent employment-creation program. Therefore, the 2013 Minsky Conference will address both financial reform and poverty in the context of Minsky’s work on financial instability and his proposal for a public job guarantee. Panels will focus on the design of a new, more robust, and stable financial architecture; fiscal austerity and the sustainability of the US economic recovery; central bank independence and financial reform; the larger implications of the eurozone debt crisis for the global economic system; improving governance of the social safety net; the institutional shape of the future financial system; strategies for promoting poverty eradication and an inclusive economy; sustainable development and market transformation; time poverty and the gender pay gap; and policy and regulatory challenges for emerging-market economies.
To register, visit the conference website.
A list of conference participants is below the fold.
Emilios Avgouleas
Chair, International Banking Law and Finance, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
Robert J. Barbera
Chief Economist, Mount Lucas Management LP
Alan Blinder*
Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton University
Lael Brainard*
Under Secretary for International Affairs, US Department of the Treasury
James Bullard
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
John Cassidy
Financial Writer, The New Yorker
Thomas J. Curry*
Comptroller of the Currency
William A. Darity
Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies, and Economics; Chair, Department of African and African American Studies; and Director, Research Network on Racial and Ethnic Inequality, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
William C. Dudley*
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Charles Evans*
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Steven M. Fazzari
Research Associate, Levy Institute, and Professor, Washington University–St. Louis
José Gabilondo
Professor of Law, Florida International University
Bruce C. N. Greenwald
Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia University
Thomas Hoenig
Vice Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Jan Kregel
Senior Scholar, Levy Institute, and Professor, Tallinn Technical University
Robert Kuttner
American Journalist and Writer; Co-founder and Co-editor, The American Prospect
Justin Lahart
Reporter, “Heard on the Street,” The Wall Street Journal
Nora Lustig
Samuel Z. Stone Professor of Latin American Economics, Tulane University, and Nonresident Fellow, Center for Global Development and the Inter-American Dialogue
Jeff Madrick
Director, Rediscovering Government Initiative, Roosevelt Institute; Editor, Challenge; Visiting Professor of Humanities, The Cooper Union; and Senior Fellow, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School
Branko Milanovic
Lead Economist, Development Research Group, The World Bank
Mary John Miller*
Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, US Department of the Treasury
Floyd Norris
Chief Financial Correspondent, The New York Times
José Antonio Ocampo
Professor of Professional Practice, Director of the Economic and Political Development Concentration, and Member of the Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University
Alex J. Pollock
Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Sarah Bloom Raskin
Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Eric Rosengren
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Louis Uchitelle
Economics Writer
Edward N. Wolff
Professor of Economics, New York University
L. Randall Wray
Senior Scholar, Levy Institute, and Professor, University of Missouri–Kansas City
* To be confirmed