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İpek Ilkkaracan
İpek İlkkaracan is professor of economics at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Faculty of Management, and associate director of the ITU Women’s Studies Center. Her research areas include the macroeconomics of unemployment and wages, labor market inequalities, work-life balance policies, time use, the care economy, and sustainable growth. Her 2010 edited volume Work-Family Life Reconciliation Policies: Towards Gender Equality in the Labor Market, a cross-country comparative research study of seven OECD countries including Turkey, is the first-ever publication in Turkish on the issue of work-life balance.
İlkkaracan serves as an associate editor of Feminist Economics, an SSCI journal, and is an elected board member of the Middle Eastern Economics Association and the International Association for Feminist Economics. She acts as the country expert on Turkey in the European Network of Experts on Gender Equality, reporting to the European Commission on a quarterly basis; and serves on a five-member advisory board for the UNDP Human Development Report on Turkey on Inclusive Growth. İlkkaracan is also a founding member of the Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics GEM–Europe network; Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways; and the Women’s Labor and Employment Initiative (KEIG) Platform. She holds a BA in political science from Swarthmore College and an MA and a Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research.