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L. Randall Wray
L. Randall Wray is a Professor of Economics at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College and the 2022-2023 Teppola Distinguished Visiting Professor at Willamette University, Oregon. He is one of the developers of Modern Money Theory and his newest book on the topic is Making Money Work for Us (Polity, November 2022). A companion illustrated guide to MMT will be released in May: Money For Beginners (with Levy Institute graduate Heske Van Doornen, Polity).
He is the 2022 Veblen-Commons Award winner for lifetime contributions to Institutionalist Thought. He has been a Fulbright Scholar to Italy and Estonia, and a visiting professor at the Universities of Paris, Bologna, Bergamo, Rome, UNAM in Mexico City, UNICAMP in Brazil, Tallinn University in Estonia, Nankai University, China, and a visiting professor on a continuing basis at Masaryk University, Czech Republic.