Report August 1997
In an exploration of policy proposals to expand employment opportunities, participants at this year’s Levy Institute employment conference discuss workforce development, welfare-to-work, institutional and structural labor market changes, and economic growth. In an interview with Sanjay Mongia, author and editor William Grieder calls for a global perspective to save the worldwide economic system from its own contradictions.
Contents: The Levy Report Interview: William Greider Discusses Contradictions in the Global Economic System, Corporate Responsibility, and Progressive Policy * Editorial: Mend It, Don’t End It: A Case for a Skill-Based Immigration Policy (Sanjay Mongia) * New Working Papers: Do States Optimize? Public Capital and Economic Growth * Output and Employment Effects of Public Capital * Dynamic Output and Employment Effects of Public Capital * Social Security: The Challenge of Financing the Baby Boom’s Retirement * The Impact of Declining Union Membership on Voter Participation among Democrats * The Working Poor: Lousy Jobs or Lazy Workers? * Levy Institute News: Upcoming Symposium on Immigration
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