State, Difference, and Diversity
Toward a Path of Expanded Democracy and Gender Equality
The centrality of the state in promoting gender
equality is generally acknowledged, but a perplexing and complex issue confronts
us: should the state treat men and women in identical ways, or should it
legislate and enforce policies that are aware of gender differences? In other
words, should the state be gender-blind or gender-sensitive? Gender, ethnic,
religious, sexual orientation, ideological, economic, political, and cultural
dimensions represent diversity among citizens. This paper argues that if the
goal of the state is to promote democratic participation for all, a distinction
must be drawn between socioeconomic characteristics that signify difference and
those that manifest inequalities. The former require a politics of acceptance
and recognition and policies to match, leading to equal treatment for all
despite differences, while the latter necessitate interventions that remedy or
remove structural elements that result in inequalities. The authors suggest that
such a framework is useful in that it lends itself to a better understanding of
gender-based asymmetries.