Summary Fall 2002
New Working Papers summarized in this issue include an examination of racial and ethnic differentiation in gender inequality, a proposal for a poverty measure that considers household wealth together with income, and a study of the probable impact of the United Kingdom’s adoption of the euro. An analysis of "narrow" banking by the IMF’s Biagio Bossone concludes that it deprives the economy of key functions and diminishes the benefits of conventional banking.
Contents: Working paper topics include US Ethnic School Attainments across Generations; Race, Ethnicity, and the Gender-Poverty Gap; Asset Poverty in the United States; Challenges to Economic and Monetary Union Macropolicies; Can Monetary Policy Affect the Real Economy? The Euro, Public Expenditure, and Taxation; and Managed Care, Physician Incentives, and Norms of Medical Practice · Levy Institute News: New Research Staff
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