Summary Fall–Winter 1996–1997
Featured in this double issue are reports on a workshop on the future of the welfare state, papers on assimilation of past and present immigrants and on selective migration among immigrants around 1900 by Joel Perlmann, and papers on alternative definitions of the United States’ fiscal deficit by Neil H. Buchanan.
Contents: New Public Policy Brief: Making Work Pay * New Working Papers: The Minimum Wage and the Path toward a High-Wage Economy * Assimilation: The Second Generation and Beyond, Then and Now * Selective Migration as a Basis for Upward Mobility? The Occupations of the Jewish Immigrants to the United States, ca. 1900 * Comparing Alternative Methods of Adjusting US Federal Fiscal Deficits for Cyclical and Price Effects * Which Deficit? Comparing Thirteen Measures of the US Fiscal Deficit on Theoretical and Empirical Grounds * A Critique of Competing Plans for Radical Tax Restructuring * Money, Finance, and National Income Determination: An Integrated Approach * Rethinking Health Care Policy: The Case for Retargeting Tax Subsidies * Debates-Debates:
The Dole Tax Plan * The Economics of Aging * Seminar: Cultural Captivity: Japan’s Financial Dinosaurs Resist Change * Workshop: The Future of the Welfare State * Institute News: Alan S. Blinder Rejoins Board of Advisors