Summary Spring 2007
In this issue: a new Policy Note recommends reforming the Alternative Minimum Tax while retaining some tax cuts in order to reduce the growing tax burden on middle-class families. A related paper criticizes orthodox policymaking that calls for fiscally austere budgets when the real engine of economic growth is government spending.
Program: The State of the US and World Economies
- DIMITRI B. PAPADIMITRIOU and L. RANDALL WRAY, The April AMT Shock: Tax Reform Advice for the New Majority
- JÖRG BIBOW, Global Imbalances, Bretton Woods II, and Euroland’s Role in All This
- L. RANDALL WRAY, Demand Constraints and Big Government
Program: Monetary Policy and Financial Structure
- THOMAS I. PALLEY, The Economics of Outsourcing: How Should Policy Respond?
- ALFONSO PALACIO-VERA, On Lower-bound Traps: A Framework for the Analysis of Monetary Policy in the “Age” of Central Banks
- ÉRIC TYMOIGNE, An Inquiry into the Nature of Money: An Alternative to the Functional Approach
- ÉRIC TYMOIGNE, Fisher’s Theory of Interest Rates and the Notion of “Real”: A Critique
- GIOVANNI COZZI and JAN TOPOROWSKI, The Balance Sheet Approach to Financial Crises in Emerging Markets
- CLAUDIO SARDONI and L. RANDALL WRAY, Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates and Currency Sovereignty
Program: The Distribution of Income and Wealth
- AXEL BÖRSCH-SUPAN, European Welfare States and Their Generosity toward the Elderly
- LI GAN, GUAN GONG, and MICHAEL HURD, Net Intergenerational Transfers from and Increase in Social Security Benefits
- EDWARD N. WOLFF and AJIT ZACHARIAS, Class Structure and Economic Inequality
- EDWARD N. WOLFF and AJIT ZACHARIAS, Wealth and Economic Inequality: Who’s at the Top of the Economic Ladder?
Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being
Program: Employment Policy and Labor Markets
- JAMES B. REBITZER and LOWELL J. TAYLOR, When Knowledge Is an Asset: Explaining the Organizational Structure of Large Law Firms
Program: Economic Policy for the 21st Century
- THEODORE PELAGIDIS and TAUN N. TOAY, Expensive Living: The Greek Experience under the Euro
- THOMAS MASTERSON, Productivity, Technical Efficiency, and Farm Size in Paraguayan Agriculture
- THOMAS MASTERSON, Land Rental and Sales Markets in Paraguay
- JAN TOPOROWSKI, Methodology and Microeconomics in the Early Work of Hyman P.Minsky
Explorations in Theory and Empirical Analysis
- New Senior Scholars
- New Research Scholar
- New Editor
- Upcoming Event: 16th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference, April 19–20
- Publications and Presentations by Levy Institute Scholars
- Recent Levy Institute Publications