Summary Winter 2006
In most developing countries, efforts to reduce poverty and reach the Millennium Development Goals provide a timely opportunity to draw attention to the contribution of unpaid work to economic and social development. Summarized in this issue, an October 2005 conference organized by the Levy Institute in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme focused on women’s unpaid work in the context of achieving the MDGs, and the need for viable pro-poor policy alternatives.
Program: The State of the US and World Economies, and Strategic Analysis
- WYNNE GODLEY, DIMITRI B. PAPADIMITRIOU, CLAUDIO H. DOS SANTOS, and GENNARO ZEZZA, The United States and Her Creditors: Can theSymbiosis Last?
Program: Distribution of Income and Wealth, and theLIMEW
- CONFERENCE: Time Use and Economic Well-Being
Program: Gender Equality and the Economy
- CONFERENCE: Unpaid Work and the Economy: Gender, Poverty, and the Millennium Development Goals
Program: Economic Policy for the 21st Century
Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
- JÖRG BIBOW, Bad for Euroland, Worse for Germany—The ECB’s Record
Federal Budget Policy
- L. RANDALL WRAY, The Ownership Society: Social Security is Only the Beginning . . .
- L. RANDALL WRAY, Social Security’s 70th Anniversary: Surviving 20 Years of Reform
- New Research Scholar
- New Research Associates
- New Levy Institute Book: Italians Then, Mexicans Now
- Upcoming Event: Conference, Government Spending on the Elderly, April 28–29
- Symposium: Gender, Tax Policies, and Tax Reform in Comparative Perspective, May 17–18
- Publications and Presentations by Levy Institute Scholars
- Recent Levy Institute Publications