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1657 publications found
Public Policy Brief No.15
09 September 1994
Monetary Policy Uncovered
AbstractExperience with a variety of targets has cast doubt on the likelihood that a single variable can be found to be closely and reliably linked to future inflation; it is even less likely that such a variable, should it be found, would somehow be under the control and manipulation of the Federal Reserve. This brief provides a review of the experiments with various targets undertaken by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker and current Chairman Alan Greenspan. The authors contend that there is no reason to suppose that the Fed will discover a target variable whose control will yield stable prices. Finally, they conclude that economists lack sufficient information to calculate the costs of achieving stable prices in terms of unemployment and lost output.
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Public Policy Brief No.14
08 September 1994
Linking Public Capital to Economic Performance
AbstractFollowing up on findings by J. Bradford DeLong and Lawrence Summers that a robust statistical relationship exists between productivity and private sector investment in plant and equipment, the author explores whether there is also a connection between economic growth and public spending. She argues that public investment in infrastructure stimulates private sector investment in plant and equipment. By providing empirical proof that public and private investment are complements in production, Erenburg supplies the missing link that explicitly ties public infrastructure to economic growth.
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Working Paper No.125
01 September 1994
Profit Sharing and Gainsharing
AbstractNo further information available.
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Working Paper No.124
01 September 1994
Flying Blind
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Working Paper No.123
10 August 1994
The Utilization of US Male Labor, 1975–1992
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Working Paper No.122
01 August 1994
Recent Trends in US Male Work and Wage Patterns
AbstractNo further information available.
Working Paper No.121
10 July 1994
The Timing of Promotion to Top Management in the US and Japan
AbstractNo further information available.
Working Paper No.120
21 June 1994
The Productivity Convergence Debate
AbstractNo further information available.
Public Policy Brief No.13
07 June 1994
Investment Tax Credit Reconsidered
AbstractIn this brief, Thomas Karier explores the efficacy of the investment tax credit (ITC) in stimulating private investment spending. He notes that there are three possible channels through which an ITC can act on investment: price, income, and multiplier effects. He finds that ITCs do not appear to have had a significant effect on equipment investment; that the effects of a decline in corporate tax rates (the income effect) were distributed among increased dividends and fewer equity and debt issuances and had little influence on investment; and that capacity utilization and real GDP growth were the only business cycle variables that had a significant effect on equipment investment growth. Based on these findings, Karier concludes that alternatives to tax investment credit programs must be found and pursued. He suggests undertaking a modest program of direct public investment financed by rearranging spending priorities within the budget; a more expansive program could be financed through additional borrowing or through an increase in the corporate income tax.
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Working Paper No.119
04 June 1994
Liquidity, Uncertainty, and the Declining Predictive Power of the Paper-bill Spread
AbstractNo further information available.
Working Paper No.118
03 June 1994
The Rhetoric of Policy Relevance in International Economics
AbstractNo further information available.
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Book Series
01 June 1994
Aspects of Distribution of Wealth and Income
AbstractThe essays in this volume explore several aspects of wealth and income distribution during the 1980s, a decade characterized not only by economic expansion, but also by a widening disparity of income and wealth. The changing fortunes of American households and individuals as manifested in demographic and structural changes are examined from different perspectives, and factors affecting saving behavior and poverty rates and earning gaps relating to gender, education, and race of the head of household are examined. The observed inequalities are compared with those of other industrialized nations, and policies to remedy these developments are suggested. Among the contributors are Robert B. Avery, Rebecca M. Blank, Alan S. Blinder, Gordon Green, Thomas Juster, James Morgan, Edmund Phelps, Isabel V. Sawhill, Paul Sarbanes, Erik Thorbecke, and Howard Wachtel.
Public Policy Brief No.12
06 May 1994
An Alternative in Small Business Finance
AbstractAt a time when small businesses are suffering from a credit crunch, “niche” financial institutions are filling the void left by more traditional sources of financing, such as commercial banks. The authors argue that the most important of these niche players are community-based factor companies, which are rapidly expanding from their client base in apparel and textiles to finance a range of firms in everything from electronics to health care. The purchase of accounts receivable by factors enhances the balance sheets of their clients, making it easier for the clients to obtain bank financing. Also, because factors are more interested in the creditworthiness of a client’s customers than of the client itself, they are willing to extend loans in excess of collateral to rapidly growing businesses. Because factors are becoming an increasingly important source of financing for small and start-up businesses, the authors propose that factors be encouraged to play a broader role in financing firms in distressed communities by (1) making some factors eligible for funding and assistance under legislation regulating community development financial institutions and (2) by allowing investments by banks in factors to count toward compliance under the Community Reinvestment Act.
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Working Paper No.117
01 May 1994
Chief Executive Compensation and Corporate Groups in Japan
AbstractNo further information available.
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Working Paper No.116
01 May 1994
The Regulation and Supervision of Bank Holding Companies
AbstractNo further information available.
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Working Paper No.115
01 May 1994
The Economic Consequences of Weintraub’s Consumption Coefficient
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Working Paper No.114
15 April 1994
Banking in Transition
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Working Paper No.113
14 April 1994
Lines of Credit and Relationship Lending in Small Firm Finance
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Working Paper No.112
13 April 1994
Business Strategies
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Working Paper No.111
12 April 1994
Banking Industry Consolidation
AbstractNo further information available.
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Working Paper No.110
11 April 1994
Banking Industry Consolidation
AbstractNo further information available.
Working Paper No.109
01 April 1994
The Incidence of Corporate Profits Tax Revisited
AbstractNo further information available.
Working Paper No.108
01 April 1994
Community-based Factoring Companies and Small Business Lending
AbstractNo further information available.
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Working Paper No.107
14 March 1994
Economic Inactivity of Young Adults
AbstractNo further information available.
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